
Corropack offers warehousing storage as part or independently of our fulfillment & distribution services. With over 56,000 square feet of warehouse storage space, Corropack can easily accommodate over 5000 pallets to help businesses with any space or warehousing issues. Whether needing a warehousing solution on a temporary basis or for the long term, Corropack fulfills those needs. This allows you to have more flexibility of costs that scale with businesses. As a part of our warehousing solutions, clients have complete access to their inventory and orders by utilizing our web based inventory management systems. Having accurate inventory control is an important aspect of warehouse storage, with which Corropack has extensive experience. We have value added services in place to accomplish this.

Additional Warehousing Services:

Corropack’s warehouse storage solutions are scalable and flexible, which allows us to work out various options for any client’s particular needs. We can work different combinations of in/out per pallets, boxes or fulfilled orders. Please contact us today to learn how Corropack can help you with your warehousing storage needs.